Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Post!

If by chance in the future I get asked what my first post for this blog was, I can immediately reduce the risk of embarrassing myself because I can legitly say that THIS post is my first, and not a post about-- for example-- my crush. Or that movie that many people ended up hating. Or me raving about a boy band that I would be shy about in the future. Or the time I stepped on poop. Twice.

So much for not embarrassing myself. I'm doing a great job already.

So what should my first post be about? Well, I'd rather have an uneventful and boring one rather than a ridiculous one.

Perhaps I could tell you a little about this blog. Honestly I was debating about whether this blog should be exclusively about beauty. Beauty is the one that made me want to make a blog. My friend and I are so inspired that we could not help but share our thoughts, ideas, and finds in a blog. But since I also have other blog worthy things going on in my life such as travel, events and perhaps foodie stuff, I couldn't decide whether I should go beyond just blogging about beauty. But since this is just new and we can't nit pick through life, I decided to go with the flow, see what happens.

One of the biggest reasons for my hesitation is that I don't wish to reveal my identity. Not yet at least. For now, I'm happy just to share my thoughts with you and hope that someone out there would enjoy, be informed and even be inspired by our posts.

So what kind of beauty blog is this? First what do I mean about beauty? Really, in this blog, you can expect "beauty" in all its senses-- whether it be about makeup and skincare or even a philosophical discourse on aesthetics or the beauty that shines within a person or anything that's nice and pretty to look at, we consider all senses of beauty in this blog.

However, we will focus more on makeup and skincare since it was this sort that inspired us to start this blog. We just have so much we want to share with you!

So why is this blog named "Beauty and Nothingness"? My friend and I are philosophy majors who didn't know what to name this blog and we needed to poop out a name quick before we lost all enthusiasm about starting this blog. I didn't want to think too hard on this so the first thing I did was to come up with a name that complimented my blog name which is Chloe De Beavoir, a name inspired by a female french philosopher called Simone De Beavoir. Immediately, the name I thought that would compliment this was something related to her, I suppose, her soulmate lol named Jean Paul Sartre. One of his most popular works is "Being and Nothingness" and BAM! There it is. Beauty and Nothingness. We'll decide in the future what other puns we can make out of this.

What else can you expect from this blog? Honestly, I just have more time in my hands which is why I can blog but it's actually not the best time to be doing it since I have to budget my money even more carefully. Unlike before I could just buy and try things as I wish because I have my good ole parents to support me. Still, I think that there's so much I could talk about and share with you, and somehow I can still get a hand on some awesome beauty finds.

Also, I am not a typical beauty blogger. In fact there are times that you could consider me as an anti-beauty blogger. For instance, if you ask me what's in my bag, I would tell you "nothing" (coz like, yenno, I blog in "Beauty and Nothingness" hyuk hyuk hyuk. Achievement unlocked: first pun. Let's hope that that'll be the last). I normally don't bring my bag. Just my wallet and phone. And if I do bring a bag, that's literally the only stuff I bring. Also, if you ask me what my everyday makeup routine is, I'd say none to this as well. I don't go out with makeup except on special occasions, or when I want to kick someone's butt by looking pretty. However, it doesn't mean that there isn't anything I can contribute to the beauty blogging world. I like trying things out especially in skin care and I have a legit reason to wear makeup now since I will be starting with work soon, one that requires us to wear moderate to heavy makeup. So definitely, I will be testing makeup products as well and sharing to you what I think.

I like looking at pretty stuff and sometimes I will just post a photo of something cute even though it isn't functional. Like these purple brushes. Obviously I love purple and that's the only reason I bought it. Other than that, I wouldn't recommend these to intermediate makeup users.

I bought this in the department store of Mall of Asia. The stand was cute too I should have taken a photo of it for you to see.

OH! And in case you're wondering why I already have 70+ followers, it's because this used to be my personal blog. But I changed everything about it-- deleted my posts, changed the layout, changed my name etc. so most of you probably have zero clue as to who I am.

Anyway, this post is too long, and I'm too excited to start sharing things with you. I already have a couple of posts lined up so I hope you would stick around. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and it would be awesome to hear from you as well. But if no one out there's interested in reading this blog, then that's too bad. BECAUSE! I'm obviously really awesome and you're missing out (hyuk hyuk hyuk! By the way, that's my drunken "I'm so pathetic" laugh). Also, since I have a combination type of skin, you will benefit from my reviews. So whether you have dry, oily, normal, combination, or even dry-oily (oily because of dry skin), I got yo back. Or not, if you're not reading my blog..

Ok I talked waaay too much. You're probably thinking, ugh this post is too long I won't bother reading it anymore lol. It's ok. But like I said, I can now legitly say that this is my first blog post and that I didn't blog about something I'd be embarrassed about in the future, like slipping on a banana. Woohoo! Ok maybe a little. But whatevs. Alright alright, abrupt ending!

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